Thursday Schedule
Lots to do on Day 2
8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
Served in the Exhibitor Display Area
Round Table Discussion
How data is being used to improve decision making and revenue recovery
Phoenix Room

Annual Meeting / Member Luncheon
- Opening Remarks
- Luncheon Served
- Call-To-Order/Welcome
- Chair/Committee Reports
- Election of 2021 Directors
Film & Tourism Panel
Driving Economic Development
2:00 PM
Member-to-Member Meetings
- 1:1 Meetings: Phoenix Room
- 10x10’s: Pagoda Room
4:00 PM
I LOVE NY TPA Convening
Ross Levi, VP/Executive Director of Tourism, I Love New York/ESD
Networking with NYSTIA colleagues & friends
Exhibitor Display Area
Just for Laughs - dinner, cocktails $ FUN
Buses will begin return loops to the hotel at 8:00 PM.
Last bus departs at 10:00 PM.
10:00 PM
Final Shuttle back to hotel